Exciting Holiday News from the Intuitive Rising

Exciting Holiday News from the Intuitive Rising

Hey Risers!

Is anyone else shocked that we are approaching the holidays and the end of 2023 as much as I am? :O

I mean, wow. 2023 seemed to fly by!

After a heavy libra and scorpio season (S0 many up’s and downs and eclipses, retrogrades etc.) we are now in the delightful energy of Sagittarius season! 

Sag season is fiery, yes, but it tends to be a fun, spontaneous, life of the party type of energy. Perfect for holiday get togethers and late nights wrapping gifts.

To get you started off on the right foot and best align with the energy of December, I channeled a whole podcast episode about the energy of December 2023 and you can listen to it when it goes live on Tuesday, November 28 Subscribe so you dont miss it. I do hope it helps you navigate the energy that December will bring.

At popular request and demand, I brought back the 2024 Yearly guidance package and it’s almost sold out already! 

Back in January, I launched this new offering and ran it for the year in its beta stages. The feedback couldn’t have been better! Everyone loved the monthly check in’s from me and Spirit. I had been sitting down to channel guidance for each person who signed up every single month for the entire 2023 year ( in fact, I’m about to begin the last monthly check in for each of them this week - sniff sniff). I also ran this in another format last January for another group of clients. In that group, I sat down and recorded all 12 months of 2023 guidance in one siting and sent them one video in January. I inserted minute markers for each new month so they could easily find the new month and listen to its guidance every month. In my experience of doing both, I found the second offering much more time effective for myself and the feedback was just as wonderful!

Here’s what one client messaged me recently about their 2023 yearly guidance reading that they received back in January 2023 - 

“I need to tell ya. this has been a crazy year. starting with your yearly review you did for 2023. I took notes the first time listened and I have gone back to it every month or 2 to review the month past and the month to come and holy heck it surprises me. Today I listened to October and then Nov and December and went back to my original and compared them to what is going on now and coming up. 

I went back to listen and the messaging and energy level is bang on! 

I hope you will do the individual yearly readings again. I’ve loved mine a lot!!

If you are interested in grabbing one of the last few spots available NOW 

Click Here

Anyone who purchases in this launch, will receive their yearly guidance reading by email by December 31, 2023! (It’s possible I may run a second launch in early January with a mid January send out date - this is not set in stone so don’t wait on the first offering if you want it as I’ve not fully decided on a second run).

I also wanted to take this time to thank you all for the love and support that you’ve shown me over this year.

Back in May, my beloved Nanny passed away and it was absolutely one of the most difficult experiences I’ve had in my life and there’s been a lot of difficult! She was my biggest role model and nearly every good memory I have involves her. I still can’t quite wrap my mind around the fact that she’s gone from this earth in her physical form. The grief I feel over that has not lessened even though I’m a medium and know in my bones that she’s never far from me energetically. But it has taken away any fear I have that I won’t see her again. I will and it’ll be a joyous reunion.

To thank you all and in the Spirit of giving, I am going to do a live mediumship demonstration on Zoom on Sunday, December 17, 2023 at 1:00 - 2:30 pm eastern time.

Sign Up Here

This time of year can be tough for many of us. You may be navigating your first major holiday without a loved one. You may be living away from your people and feeling lonely. You may just be feeling all the big feelings around what this time of year ‘should’ look like and it doesn’t for you. I find this time of year very steeped in expectations and we often can’t help but feel let down that our real lives don’t look like the ones we think we should have. No one’s life looks like a high light reel all the time. This I have learned time and time again.

Spirit tells me that we must focus on being this holiday season. It’s so important. Being in the moment, just small pockets of time, will fill your cup (and heart and soul!) more than anything else. Presence is what we’re really after. 

Sending you all loads of love!


What Amy’s reading right now - 

Midnight at the Christmas Bookshop by Jenny Colgan

Scattered Minds - Gabor Mate

Amy’s favourite tea right now -

Peppermint! Makes me feel warm and cozy