The number one way to deepen your connection to your Intuition that you can begin right now

The number one way to deepen your connection to your Intuition that you can begin right now

Hey Beautiful Soul,

First off, let's take a deep breath. Feel the ground beneath your feet. Take a few deep belly breaths and imagine the air you inhale moving through your body and infusing it all with light and harmony. Exhale fully.

Okay, now that we're feeling more present and grounded, let's chat about how you can deepen your intuitive connection and learn to trust it in a simple way that you can begin right now.

Most of us are running on autopilot for a good chunk of our days. We rush from here, there and everywhere and we collapse into our beds every night exhausted and wondering where the day went. If this sounds like you, it's not your fault. This is a product of the system we currently live in. Connecting to our inner voices and listening to it? That leads to people becoming more sovereign and harder to 'herd'. It makes us too powerful.

But right now, we need that inner connection back in the biggest way. We are so tired of not being present in our own lives. We are so hungry for connection. I'm here to remind you that you can't ever lose touch with your inner voice. You can't ever go so far off course that your inner compass disappears.

Your Soul wants to be listened to and trusted. This is where the magic lives. Trusting this is the key.This is the secret. Good news, the key was always in your hand, you just have been holding on to so many things that you couldn't see it.

Okay, now let's get to the good stuff.

A sure fire way to jump start your intuitive connection is to simplify it. It can be difficult to listen to your gut when you're having to make high risk decisions right off the bat. So start small. Start simple and doable.

The number one way to deepen your connection to your intuitive voice is to begin to give yourself choices in your everyday life. This can look like asking yourself what you want to eat for breakfast rather than just reaching for the coffee cup and box of cereal on autopilot. Begin to check in with every choice/decision you have to make. "Do I want to eat this or not?" Yes or no. And then listen and act on that. No harm can come from you choosing toast over cereal. But a world of good can come from learning how it feels to listen to your gut. This sounds a bit silly but honestly, this has made a world of difference in my own life and in the lives of so many of my clients.

Get very clear on what your intuitive voice sounds like. Repeat this activity consistently. You can only begin to learn to trust your intuition when you learn what it isn't.

Many energy sensitive and highly sensitive people are extremely attuned to the energy around them - in living people, spirit people and in universal consciousness. But because most of us are never taught this and are never taught how to work with it, we may be more prone to anxiety, overthinking and overwhelm. Imagine going through your life with antennas on feeling the energy of everything and everyone? I bet you don't have to imagine too hard cause you've lived it too, right?

Your intuitive voice is neutral. It's the first thing to come in when you ask a question or think about making a decision. It's soft and to the point. Not emotional.

A great example of this is the following...Imagine you are driving down the highway and you hear in your mind "Switch lanes". It's not a fearful message. It's neutral. Switch lanes. Trusting your intuition would be just switching lanes and moving forward. Trusting that there is a good reason and you are likely being guided and protected from something. But now imagine you ignore this voice and instead begin to question "Why am I hearing this? Oh man, is there gonna be an accident ahead? I'm gonna be late for work if there's an accident ahead! What if I'm being told to move over cause I'm going to crash or get pulled over? I really can't afford to be late and I cannot afford a speeding ticket." See how that got out of hand fast? Your mind started to spiral and get out of control.

This isn't your intuition. That is anxious thinking. Remember your intuition is neutral. It's not trying to make you feel afraid or fearful. It won't lie to you. It just wants to be trusted. I always say your intuition is 'one and done'. This means it's the first thing that comes in and then it quietly leaves without any fuss or hoopla. It doesn't overanalyze or spiral.

Okay, so there it is. This most simple and effective way to learn to live more intuitively. Remember this is a marathon not a sprint. This takes time, practice and trust but I promise you it will improve your lived experiences tenfold.

Keep on keeping on Lightworkers!

With love and gratitude,

Amy Brookes